I am thrilled to invite you to the launch of Business Networking Made Simple.  Join me for a complimentary teleseminar as I interview Heather Wagenhals, CEO, Unlock Your Wealth Radio.  We will discuss the importance of business introductions and how having a clear concise introduction leads to sales.

On this call, you will learn:

  • The value of building a strong foundation.
  • The importance of business introductions.
  • Importance of being able to introduce yourself clearly and concisely in 30 seconds.
  • The impact of first impressions.

Monday, March 24 3 PM Arizona Time, 6 PM Eastern Daylight Time Register:  If you can’t attend the live call, you can still register and receive a copy of the recording.

Spring is my favorite time of year and the perfect time to be in Arizona.  With everything in bloom, it’s the perfect time to launch a new business.  With over 15 years of successfully managing networking organizations serving as manager, administrator and owner, I am excited to launch Business Networking Made Simple.  Our mission is to help individuals and small businesses understand the process of business networking.

Lisa E. Platt
Connections & Collaborations Coach

Be bold, be strong, be you!

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Today’s networking tip

On January 23rd, 2014, posted in: Lisa's Corner, Networking by

When meeting someone for the first time, ask what their company does, make eye contact and listen.

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Celebrate You

On December 23rd, 2013, posted in: Lisa's Corner by

December is one of those months that is a little bit of everything.  It’s a time of reflection, remembering, planning, good wishes, forgiving, and celebrations.  We say goodbye to what no longer serves us and hello to the new opportunities in our future.  We plan for the new year.

Take a moment during this holiday season to honor and celebrate you.  Focus on your inner self, your dreams and passions.  I wish you the very best.  Happy Holidays ~ Lisa.

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Selecting a networking organization can be overwhelming.  There are many types of groups, so many to choose from.  All offer unique benefits, a specific focus and have a distinct energy or feel about them.  Before selecting an organization, ask yourself what do you hope to gain or accomplish by being a member?  What is your list of requirements?  How will being a member benefit you?

How do you select an organization that is the best fit for you?  Selecting an organization is similar to writing an article.  Ask yourself the “who, what, when, where and how.”  As you answer these questions, you will be able to identify organizations that are a good fit for you.


  • Who do you want to connect with?
  • Who Is your target market?
  • Who are the members?  Does the group limit the membership to one person per profession?


  • What do you hope to accomplish by being a member?
  • What is the organization’s purpose, business connections, fundraising, educational, social?
  • What are the fees?


  • When does the organization meet, morning, mid-morning, lunchtime, evenings, weekends?


  • Where does your target market hang out?
  • Where do the people you want to connect with hang out?
  • Where does the organization meet?  Is is geographically desirable?


  • How often does the organization meet, weekly, monthly, quarterly?  Will you be able to attend regularly?
  • How many members?
  • How does being a member fit with your personal marketing plan?
  • How will you benefit by being a member?

Most organizations will encourage non-members to attend once or twice before making a decision on membership.  Do your homework.  Ask the hard questions.  The networking organization that is the best fit for your will be the one that mirrors your core values and best answers the question “What’s in it for me.”

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Welcome to Lisa’s Corner

On November 19th, 2013, posted in: Lisa's Corner by

Welcome to Lisa’s Corner, a resource for those who are new to networking or those who want to strengthen their skills.  Each article I will share tips, techniques and an occasional trick when it comes to building business relationships.  What to look for in a group, where to place your name badge, how to prepare for the meeting, and follow-up are a few of the topics that will be covered.

First, what is networking?

According to Merriam-Webster online, networking “is the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institutions; specifically:  the cultivation of productive relationships for employment or business; 2) the establishment or use of a computer network.”

Networking is about building relationships or building a strong foundation.  Business comes from building relationships, creating opportunities, developing new friendships or through building a strong foundation.  The stronger your foundation, the stronger your network will be.

Next time, we will explore what to look for in a group and how to select the right groups for you.

To your happy networking,


Lisa E. Platt Your Connections and Collaborations Coach

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